Saturday, February 14, 2009

Its too big to be small...

World is very huge thing made up of very small small particles. Isn't it? But we always look at big picture only. We never see the tiny colour grains on canvas. If you get to see those, then observe them. Observe them closely. They are a picture in themselves. These days our domains are so expanded that we don't even care about small things that we posses. Having grown up as an adult, our expectation level increases. The world has not changed, its you who has changed. I don't say that one should stop dreaming. Dreams are part of life, progress. But while pursuing our new dreams sometimes we tend to forget our old dreams. Just try to remember your childhood dreams. You will cherish some of them.

Yesterday, I was reading one article. It was pointing out how no one can be "Happy" forever. My answer to it was, " Our Life comes in moments, but we spend it in time." Am I right? We always collect our past, worry about future and lose our present. Many have said about this. Everyone knows it. But no one follows it. We have to understand. Understand that life is really worth of moments and we have trillions of them. We don't have to spend it in time. We should get hold of our moments, live the life as it comes and as it the moment. Go out and look how small small creatures are living their lives...see the beauty in tiny droplets...hear the music in sound of wind...feel the magic of every second...As that second passes, there are so many changes have happened through out the world.

God has gifted us all. Remember it. You try crying can not. It is too difficult to cry just like that. But try smiling just like is nice...God has made it that way...When we try simpler things over difficult then why should we feel blue...just smile...


renegade said...

Nice collection of thoughts... though I feel that if we just try living in the moment avoiding worrying abt the future.. Life wud teach us to worry abt the future :D

Muniyandi Ramachandran said...

nice ..

Nimit Jain said...

Believe it or NOT, I enjoyed every moment of reading this post ;)

Though some part of it was similar to your previous posts including Past, Present and Future.. but i loved this one as well :)

Keep posting regularly...

Anonymous said...

"Our Life comes in moments, but we spend it in time", that really nice thought